Glass Tea Cup & Saucer 220ml
R119.00 -
Glass Tea Pot with Glass Infuser 1200ml
R229.00 -
Kuechenprofi Assam Glass Teapot with Stainless Steel Infuser 1000ml
R795.00 -
Kuechenprofi Tibet Glass Teapot with Stainless Steel Infuser 1500ml
R895.00 -
Glass Teapot Warmer 120mm
R199.00 -
Hario ChaCha Kyusu Maru Teapot 450ml
R499.50 -
Hario Jumping Tea Pot 350ml Green
R299.00 -
Hario Jumping Tea Pot 350ml Red
R299.00 -
Hario Jumping Tea Pot Donau 500ml
R899.50 -
Hario Tea Warmer